Nice women and best Eagle feather tatoo
Eagle tattoos are common choices for men and women who serve as police officers, firefighters, soldiers, or other service members.
Eagles are also often accompanied by word banners, particularly if the tattoo is done as a memorial or tribute to someone. Words such as freedom, strength, and liberty are popular choices added to banners or underneath a tattoo of an eagle.
Images of eagles have played important roles throughout history in many different lands, appearing in various emblems.
In ancient Greece, the eagle was worshiped and associated with the Sun god, while in Norse mythology, eagles were said to be associated with the god Odin, who represented wisdom.
In Native American cultures, the free-spirited eagle is deeply revered and their feathers were often given as a sign of pride, security or friendship.
Eagle tattoos can be done in many different creative ways and found just about anywhere on the body.
The most common area for this type of tattoo is the upper arm, followed by the shoulders, and the upper and lower back areas.
The back is a great location for designs of eagles with their wings fully spread as if in flight. If the design is large enough, detailed feathers are usually the main feature of the tattoo, which gives the eagle a realistic appearance.
Eagles can also be done as smaller designs, featuring only the head of the bird, or even done in tribal-style completely in black.
They can also be worked into leg or armbands, or as a part of another design.
Some eagles are tattooed in flight, as if swooping in on their prey, complete with sharp talons, and of course the internet and many tattoo shops are full of images of the majestic eagle in varying poses.
If patriotism is an integral part of the tattoo, red, white, and blue will be prominent colors, in addition to the various shades of browns and beige for the eagle itself.
An eagle can also be incorporated into many backgrounds and mountainous nature scenes, or along with other types of wildlife.
Peacock tattoos, or sometimes, the peacock's feathers, have indeed become a very popular option when it comes to tattoo designs. Read on further for some information that you may not have encountered yet regarding this colorful bird's design origins:
* The peacock design of tattoos are most often represented in Asian and Middle East tattoo designs and are very popular because of its vibrant colors. However, in Europe, the peacock's feathers are regarded with high suspicion because of a fiasco in their ancient mythologies.
* The peacock feather, in ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt is a representation of the 'evil eye'. This is because of the general idea during that time that with the peacock feathers several 'eyes', it can see every single transgression that a person has done. This belief, is still prevailing today as several households in Europe will not permit that even a single peacock feather enter their household.
* The Christian faith on the other hand, has an entirely different take on the peacock and its feathers. Christians believe that the peacock feathers 'eyes' are the same of God's all seeing eyes. It also venerated the peacock as an incorruptible animal making it a sacred emblem for many who follow the Christian faith.
* Today, peacock tattoos symbolize immortality, a person's pure soul and resurrection. In china, the peacock is believed to represent the divinity and ranks of the gods and their ancestors. Peacocks are also later on symbolized as animals of royalty and has long meant the equivalent of an unbreakable oath.
* In these days, peacock designs are chosen mostly for their bright and vibrant colors as well as their symbolism. Because peacocks can also represent resurrection, these are also created into tattoos for a lot of personal reasons. People have peacock tattoos done in remembrance of a person or a loved one's death or a memory of that person's recovery from extreme illness. Peacock tattoos are also a great symbol for a specific turning point in a person's life. There are also a lot of people who prefer to incorporate this bird into Middle Eastern designs again, a remembrance to history that this particular race believed in the immortality and divinity of the peacock.
* For someone who does not want to get a huge peacock tattoo design and would rather opt for a smaller, more discreet design, it is always better to have a tattoo put in. after all, peacock feathers have as much symbolism on its own as the entire bird itself and it is by far easier to incorporate it onto an existing design or even as an addition to an existing tattoo. The peacock feathers are a smaller alternative to the peacock tattoo that can still be made to be big enough to add in more details I you so wish to do so.
* An important note that you must never forget is that you have to get a clear picture of the peacock tattoo design that you would want to be tattooed with. Be particular with the use of colors, if you want to.