Monday, September 9, 2013

Music Tattoo designs are not meant to be for musicians but anyone

Music Tattoo designs are not meant to be for musicians but anyone

Music tattoos has been cultural symbol for thousands of years, it is the most Divine ingredient for body, spirit and mind.

Blackbird Singing

compact cassette
To express the deep love for music, a tattoo carved on body with music notes and symbols is more stylish fashion for both men and women that gives a tribute to music soul.
Gramophone-Flower Tattoo
Music is more than passion for so many men and women around the globe.

I bleed music

Music Tattoo designs are not meant to be for musicians but anyone who have a music soul can get a music note or treble clef tattoo on any part of body, we have selected 55+ love for music tattoo designs that will inspire you to have one musical notation carved on body to express deep devotion and passion for music,

Love of Music Tattoo
Enjoy these tattoo designs!


Music anyone?

Music Crazy Micro TaT

Music Heart Tattoo

Music Key

Music Notes

tattoo – fin by bikuki

freehand music tattoo

Funky Music Tree Tattoo

La Musica E Vita 2

Lilly and Music tattoo 2

Music Clefs

Music Staff Tattoo

Music Tattoo

music tattoo

Music to my Ear

Music to My Ears tattoo design

My tattoo

note music tattoo

tape tattoo

+Music Tattoo Design1+

Love for Music

Music Tattoo Design

Music Tattoo


tattoo number 4

Breaking the Sound of Music

Custom stone treble clef

Music Heart

music love tattoo

Music Tattoo

music tattoo sleeve

My First Tattoo

Andrew’s Back-piece

guitar tattoo


music notes

music tattoo

Music Tattoo Sleeve Design

my new tattoo

My tattoo


music love, tattoo

guitar cover up

Love for Music

Music foot tattoo

music is life

Music Notes 1

Note Tattoo1

Tattoo numero dos

treble bass clef

Tribal Guitar