Friday, November 8, 2013

The most amazing tattoos vector should check before inked

The most amazing tattoos vector should check before inked

While vector tattooing has a history as far back as tattooing itself, these types of images have gained a huge increase in general popularity, beginning in the early 1990s. Traditional vector tattooing was (and is) done for many reasons. Some of the most common reasons for vector tattoos include rites of passage, social status, or even simple family identification. Some information of vector tattoos is reference from

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What is a vector Tattoos and where I can find them ?

Some tribes also believe tattoos hold magical or spiritual significance. Of course, there are also instances where tribe members get tattooed simply for aesthetic reasons. Some of the most well-known variations of vector tattoos come from tribes from Borneo, the Polynesian Islands, the Maori, Native Americans, and Celtic tribes. Tattoos of Chinese and Japanese characters have also become very commonplace among Westerners.

One common thread throughout both traditional and modern vector tattoos is the use of black ink and bold designs. While modern tattooing equipment and inks have made possible the finest and most detailed of body art, traditional vector tattoo artists certainly had no such equipment available.

Therefore, every tribe had its own method of administering their tattoos, some being more painstaking and/or painful than others. In many tribes, the process of tattooing was in itself considered a ritual, and the inherent pain involved considered an integral part of that ritual. These days, tattoos are almost always done using modern equipment, which is much faster and less painful than the old ways. However, many current tribe members, and even outsiders, choose to have their artwork administered by the traditional methods.

Vector tattoos have their roots in ritual, symbolism and spirituality, but most modern types of this artwork are done more for aesthetic reasons. The images have a common appeal, and because the freedom of design is so open, it's not necessary to get actual traditional vector imagery tattooed to have the impact of a vector design. Though the artwork may have a personal significance to the person receiving it, it's more likely due to personal experience rather than any actual symbolism or vector affiliation.

There are a number of reasons to explain the modern popularity of vector artwork in tattoos. One appealing aspect is the bold nature of the images. vector tattoos are almost always done in black, often with thick, interweaving lines that show up very strongly against the skin. Also, because of the bold, solid black nature of the images, vector tattoos are less likely to fade or blur, giving them greater longevity. Both the tattoo artist and the receiver of the artwork have a lot of artistic freedom with vector-type tattoos, as much or most of the modern types of this artwork has little to do with any specific actual tribe. Almost any kind of image can be turned into a vector design, so you see many varieties of this kind of artwork. If you don't want to create your design or do not have one in mind already, professional tattoo artists will nearly always have books of flash designs for you to pick from. Another appealing aspect of vector tattoos is that the designs tend to work very well in popular body areas for tattooing, such as the upper arms and the back. Arm and leg bands are some of the most common styles of vector tattoos.

Although vector tattoos are primarily done with black ink, it has also become very popular to incorporate color into the designs. While the solid black can be very visually appealing, many people want a little color to their artwork. This can be done in a variety of ways, including using background colors, fill-in colors for negative space, or even using a color other than black for the design itself, though this is done less often. When non-black ink is used for a vector tattoo design, the receiver or artist may often choose to still outline the design in black to retain the bold effect. Also, a darker color is usually used for the same purpose, such as a darker red, blue, green, or purple.

Another popular trend in modern vector tattooing is mixing vector artwork with more traditional images. This is very common amongst those with very large and ambitious designs, such as full back pieces. However, this kind of artwork can just as easily be accomplished with smaller tattoos. For those who want the art to be fully integrated, one common type of imagery is flower and vine designs, as the flow goes well easily with the interlocking lines often found in vector artwork. Of course, flowers and vines aren't for everyone, and many other types of images can be easily made to flow with vector ones. Another good option for integrating traditional tattoos with vector is to use the latter as a framing device. Taking a traditional design and surrounding it with vector artwork can enhance the overall look and draw more attention. Framing an existing tattoo with a vector one will certainly make it more eye-catching, and make something old seem new again.

Picture of vector Tattoo For You - 3 Ways to Choose

Choosing the right picture of vector tattoo can range from randomly selecting a generic design you feel looks good, to actually researching the meaning behind a particular picture of vector tattoo. Here are three ways to choose a picture of vector tattoo for you:

1. Randomly choose a vector design. This is probably the most common method individuals use, and it's unfortunate for a number of reasons. There has been a heavy trend towards vector tattoo designs in the past ten years, and many have hopped on the bandwagon, gone out and randomly chose a picture of vector tattoo they thought was "cool". Had it not been trendy they wouldn't have ever thought to choose a picture of vector tattoo to place on their body. These type of tattoo decisions are the one's where regret later sets in after the trend wears off. Many feel foolish after realizing how "not-unique" their tattoo is while seeing everyone and their brother with a random picture of vector tattoo wrapped around the arm!

2. Finding meaning. Now finding meaning when looking for a picture of vector tattoo, can be done out of a weak rationalization that this will somehow justify jumping on the bandwagon. If you truly are after significance in your ink then do your due diligence, but if your a trend hopper then just hop on and be done with it. Fortunately for those seeking symbols or meaning, searching for a picture of vector tattoo, can be very rewarding and exciting. You can begin by researching the various tribes and finding a picture of vector tattoo, and learning the meaning behind it. Native Indian, North American Indian, Pacific Northwest American Indian, Indigenous, African, Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec, Hawaiian, Samoan, Maori, South Pacific, Micronesian, Polynesian, Melanesian, are but a few vector tattoo designs to look into.

3. Incorporating the Modern. This method involves incorporating both modern design with vector design, but doing so in a tasteful way. This reflects both the current day while also representing the past. Basically a tattoo design is used, say a particular object of some sort, then the picture of vector tattoo design is incorporated around it, alongside it, or preferably in a way where "equal billing" is given to both the object and picture of vector tattoo. Many of the weaker versions of this simply have vector "arms" sticking out from the object. Here the picture of vector tattoo is essentially demoted to that of flames. Stronger versions of incorporation involve utilizing the vector tat in a way that works alongside the object in some manner, visually or symbolically.

Finding the right picture of vector tattoo may seem easy on the surface, but if you are into finding something unique with meaning, then its worth researching. The right picture of vector tattoo combined with your favorite modern tattoo is also worth much research and thought. Ultimately you want to have your vector tattoo choice and experience be memorable, and not regretful.