Friday, November 8, 2013

Symbolism of Simple Shapes

Simple Shapes Symbolism

Read more: The best amazing tattoos design images

Circle: Depending on the era, culture, region and your perspective circles can represent: Life, Motion, Female, Beginning, Potential, Cosmo, Unity, Perfection, Womb, Infinity, Completion, Focus

In Northern American Native cultures, the circle is the sun, the moon and her children (man and woman). The Native perspective is vastly deep, so, the circle also holds a spiritual energy

Circles were protective emblems to the Celtics. Circles were often drawn as protective boundaries that can not be crossed by enemies or evil. Circles were also Celtic symbols of the cosmos symbols representing the procession of time.

In Chinese symbols, the circle expresses the shape of heaven, and earth is signified by a square. When we see a square inside a circle in Chinese art, it represents the union between heaven and earth. The deeply significant yin yang symbol is circular, and speaks to us of encompassing all with intent for unified balance.

Cross: The cross offers us a powerful union to faith-based concepts. Keywords: Honor, Balance, Structure, Sacred, Unification, Choice
Celtic Cross Meanings: Transition, Honor, Faith, Temperance, Hope, Life

The cross is a symbol representing the meeting place of the Divine energies

Spirals can offer tremendous fun and insight. They can represent the expansion of our awareness. Spiral keywords: Expansion, Contraction, Creativity, Femininity, Journeying,

Balance, Progress, Direction, Initiation, Centering, Expanding, Awareness

Square: Squares represent stabilizing energy such as : Earth, Security, Structure, Masculine, Order

To the Chinese the square is a symbol of the earth with the circle representing the shape of the heavens.

In Islam the square symbolizes the heart. Each side of the square symbolizes an aspect of awareness, Angelic, Diabolic, Human, Divine

To the Hindu the square is seen as representing the natural order of the universe. North south east west four directions. Winter spring summer fall four seasons. Suns moons planets, stars the four cosmic elements. Fire, earth, air water the four elements.

Triangle: Triangles speak to us of magic, and creativity. Attributes of a Triangle are: Combination, Creation, Manifestation, Illumination

The diamond symbol, triangle symbol and similar motifs that form a construction of other (more complex) symbolic designs occur in every era, culture, religion and esoteric sect.

Shown left is a common motif among Native peoples indigenous to North America, Canada, and Mexico. It signifies the butterfly. Indian nations identify the butterfly with the concept of “immortality.”

Also, the diamond butterfly motif conveys the element of rebirth, revitalization, and metamorphosis.

shown left is the alchemical, mystical, and astrological symbol for “Earth.” Also seen with a circle around it, it symbolizes the movement and rhythm of nature’s cycles (i.e., four seasons)

Earth magic is rooted in the ideology that all things of the earth are born from her, and therefore vibrate with earth energy. E

This diamond symbol (shown left) as well as the next one, are both from northern Europe and are identified as the runic system of “Futhark” – a symbolic language housing tremendous meaning in each emblem. This rune is called the Dagaz and is the Symbol of the Dawn. This rune speaks of the partnership between night and day with the center-point represented as the dawn. Metaphorically, the dawn marks an awakening to all new understandings.

The Dagaz embodies the concepts of: Awakening, insight, clarification, awareness, epiphany, new beginnings, and connections to the mystical in all things.

European tribes deemed this symbol to represent the literal image of the birth canal or vagina also meaning the creation of life.