Friday, November 8, 2013

Fleur de lis tattoos ideas images

Fleur de lis tattoos ideas images

Fleur de lis tattoos ideas images
The fleur-de-lis is an incredible, multi-cultural symbol with a dynamic and intricate history that goes way back. Often used as a venerable symbol by several different countries world-wide, the fleur-de-lis symbol also explored a wide area of noble causes, including some military aspects.

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If you are thinking of getting a Fleur de lis tattoo design, then reading below might give you a better understanding of what the symbols history reflects. Then, after getting your tattoo design, you can share the history with everyone and be proud of your ink.

Tattoos ideas images free pictures

Very mysterious, the origins of the fleur-de-lis symbol not 100% known, meanwhile, it seems to have a similar common affluence in the early civilization eras. The symbol is translated from the French language as "flower of the lily". Also, there are ideas that it may include similarities to the lotus flower.

One of the earliest recorded references to the fleur-de-lis symbol is ancient Mesopotamia as an artistic form on a type of fabricated cylinder. Not knowing the geographical limitations, like-images appear on early Egyptian artifacts and many other ancient cultural renderings. There is also the possibility that the image gained monumental popularity after having been introduced by armies that have conquered other countries.

A Divine intervention is rumored to have guided heaven to set forth a vial of oil to both anoint and sanctify the conversion of the Frankish King Clovis in 493 A.D. The event therefore ended in a lily showing up at the baptismal ceremony in relation to a special blessing of the Virgin Mary who is known as a benefactress of the lily flower. Therefore, King Clovis mandated the image and design of the lily flower, or fleur-de-lis, placed on his helmet before the victory at the Battle of Vouille. Even more said, the Fleur-de-lis image remained the chosen symbol factor of this king and court.

Later on down the life-ladder, many generations decided to directly connect the adoption of the fleur-de-lis as symbol for all Christian Frankish kings, most notably Charlemagne.

Fleur de lis tattoos ideas images

The fleur de lis symbol also used as an ornament to Scottish and English noblemen. Italy, standing out, and the entire planet knows the fleur-de-lis as part and party to papal crowns and the papal coat of arms. The Serbs, Spaniards, and Bosniaks, all consider the fleur-de-lis as their very own national symbol of heraldry.

So it seems that the Fleur De Lis belongs to all civilizations and not just one. Like all good values, ethics, and integrity, the fleur-de-lis continually reminds us of all the values we have in this world.

Before you get your Fleur De Lis tattoo, you should know a little history. For many people these days, the symbol represents the newly crowned Super Bowl champs, the New Orleans Saints. But the symbol has a much longer history than that of the Saints. And crowned is a fitting word to use with it as a symbol because it has been used to represent royalty for centuries.

It is most often associated with the French monarchy in history, but it has actually graced the flags and crests of many countries. so you may find someone French with this tattoo in honor of their country. And you could just as easily find someone from Bosnia with the same tattoo for a similar reason.

The French tradition of the symbol was carried to the new world with the French settlers in places like Louisiana and what once was the Louisiana territory. It is also a country wide symbol for Canadians.

And surprisingly, there are even Egyptian ties to the symbol. The symbol has a very similar appearance as the lotus flower, so you can even find the Fleur De Lis in its lotus form in ancient Egyptian art.

So now that you know some history, you can decide if this tattoo is right for you. Maybe you don't really care about the historic significance. Maybe you are just a huge Saints fan. That's fine too. But with anything as permanent as a tattoo, it's good to know what other meanings your new tattoo could hold. That way you can be certain that you don't get any unwanted meanings attached to you.

The Fleur De Lis is a beautiful symbol that has been loved by people through out the centuries. The timeless allure of this symbol is sure to continue on for years to come.

Fleur de lis tattoos ideas images

Fleur de lis tattoos ideas images

Fleur de lis tattoos ideas images

Fleur de lis tattoos ideas images